We serve hospitals across Arkansas as either general counsel or outside counsel to best address their needs.
Hospitals operate in an increasingly complex environment, involving heavy scrutiny from various federal and state regulatory bodies. We provide advice that protects both institutions and providers, whose common goal is providing excellent patient care.
We can assist hospitals with the following:
Proactive Compliance Reviews
Fraud and Abuse Investigations
CMS/OIG/DOJ Self-Disclosures
Medical Staff Matters
Peer Reviews
Government and Reimbursement Matters
Analysis and Reporting for Breaches of HIPAA, Data, and Cybersecurity
Compliance with EMTALA
Guidance for Critical Access Hospitals

For any general inquiries, please fill in the following contact form:
1422 Scott Street, Little Rock, AR 72202​
Email: mgstaff@mallardgardner.com
Tel: (501) 850 - 8501
Fax: (844) 778 - 1750